NEW: Summer Icon Pack! Drink water this summer with our freshly squeezed app icons! Choose from 8 playful, summer-themed designs featuring our water drop mascot chilling under a palm tree, sporting stylish shades, relaxing on a beach towel, donning a straw hat, wearing heart-shaped sunglasses, floating on a swim ring, and more, bringing you extra motivation to drink water and stay on top of your hydration game. Stay well hydrated and enjoy the benefits of drinking more water, especially in this heat. Hydro Coach is here for you, ensuring you never forget to drink water and stay refreshed. Have you already reached the “Hydrated as a Surfer” achievement? Let us know your favorite icon or achievement on social media; we’d love to hear from you! P.S.: If you enjoy Hydro Coach, a 5-star rating would mean the world to us and help us continue to improve. Have a fantastic, bold, and wonderful summer!